A'salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
A Disney song said it best, "A dream is a wish a heart makes.."
When I was a kid I dreamt of becoming an astronaut, a fashion designer, a doctor, a model and various other things as kids usually do but above all I used to dream of being a writer.. A novelist but at the very least, a columnist for a magazine company. Creativity felt like it flowed through my veins and out of my pencil lead, onto the paper. I loved every part of the process, from brainstorming to self editing, to seeing my papers marked up with corrections or suggestions to the very end result. Give me a pencil, some paper, an idea and about thirty minutes and I could give you a well formed, well written, grammatically correct story. Something happened though in my teenage years and all that stopped. It was the longest case of writers block, probably in the history of the written word. (That might be an exaggeration, but it was long anyway). Like a composer's final opus, had I written my final work in 8th grade??? While I love all genres of literature, my absolute favorite thing is historical fiction. I LOVE history, particularly ancient history through the American Civil War era but nothing seemed to inspire me after that. Sure, there have been times here and there throughout my life that things would click and seemingly come together; music appreciation class in college, helping out a good friend, but nothing spectacular. It left me to wonder "where did that love of writing go? Had it been replaced by other things like boys, fashion, the intense desire to fit in socially?" Maybe some of all of those things but maybe I just needed some new inspiration.
I may not ever become a writer like I had dreamed when I was younger, but this blog and everyone who reads these entries have given me inspiration to show my voice and make a difference, even if that is only to one person.
I don't really know where I intended to go with that little story but I hope you all who read these posts have been inspired to do, try, or learn something new; see the world a little clearer; feel inspired to take a stand for what is right, not what is popular; to work hard toward your dreams and have faith in Allaah swt that He will guide you through life as long as you are willing to listen.
I will continue to post informational topics for my non-Muslim (as well as Muslim) followers when I feel they are needed, but this site will also become more like my diary of (sometimes random) thoughts and maybe some of my writings as I am able. As I turn the page of my life's story, I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey in sha Allah.